I said before, that i tested again those layered punch bindings and could still do knock outs,
but i what i did mean and what wasnt clear enough, was that still i think those bindings did effect a lot.
So this big Knock Out thing is a lie. There is no Rontti that could knock out people.
Its just a mistake, a lie, a cheat. Still i dont know that actually how much does those layered bindings effect.
Is it 100%, 1000% or 10 000%, i dont know. But they effect.
You can see the punch clearly doing some different kind of movements when you add them up.
So this might be good thing to notice in future updates. I have not been using this " trick " anymore for a long time.
Maybe someone who has motivation could try this trick and see whats the effect.
This is an honor to be on your video Bobah. Stuff you do is the most entertaining stuff ever. The trailer itself was so entertaining that it could be a movie on itself.
Thankful in my heart. Thanks for remembering me! Ill try to appear on the server to have a chat with you soon.
Bobah! I suddenly found your video. I cant describe how excited i am man. I screamed like a crazy, bro i am so excited!
Cant wait this to come! 1000x Thanks for you making it, i was not sure if this project anymore was active.
Lmao. Good that you did hide the opponent, otherwise people would have realized it too fast.
Appearing leg is not too much to recognise.
Thank you Master Bobah. Im done, but not in that way you was scared. I quitted cause i was done with the game.
All is good, sun is shining and things like that. Hope you are doing good too.
I actually tried to box without the many bindings, so i was able to do big punches still. Ok, so maybe Ronnti is not that big cheater. Wrong alarm. Mayhem cancelled.
Other things i also did was that i used the system certain way on low energies, that i could punch hard. It happens when you have more commands added on punch as i told above, and u have to learn the punch timing, that u land it, but its cheating. I also used the system in many ways to be fake. You can blame me. Ronnti is a fake champion. Who runs and fake punches people.
[/b]Hello! Just a little moment ago i realized, that i have actually been cheating a long time. Ever wondered why Rontti had so big punching power? Why i knocked out people easily?
Why Rontti had so big KO rate. Or why there was actually some other people too, who seemed to have bigger knock out rate? What was the reason for this weird trick, that let these guys be so.
Its simple. I didnt really know, that the amount of control keys did impact for punching power. I actually tested it today, and it is true. Everything is lie.
There is automatically 2pcs of each punches, and if you add more commands on same punch, the punch gets harder. Example: Add 10 commands - same on right hook and same button, it gets really powerful.
But even having 2 commands on same punch, it is more powerful. You can test it.
I didnt know that this effected the gaming, automatically there has been 2 of each punch, and i just binded them on the normal buttons. One day i was thinking that its possible that it would effect,
but wasnt that serious with the thought. Today i tested it, and it worked. Im lier. Sorry fellows. This all is a big lie. Take my belt, i dont need it anymore. Delete my account, its not legit anymore.
Bury my accomplishments. Bury Rontti. There is no Rontti. Ronnti is a lie.
Long time i was thinking, that i were good fighter. I was thinking that i could be something. The image of 3d-boxing shined in my imagination, i saw the picture " Ronnti the champion ".
One day i started training. I trained, trained trained, killed many of opponents. I won big champion matches. I was having big burst in my heart, for these accomplishments.
The life gaved me the big juice. The feeling of BEING ALIVE. I started to believe really that i was something special. The years flowed like a butterfly in a bees home.
Then there camed this day, when everything in my life was ruined. All my accomplishments were destroyed. I saw the bindings in my controls.... I was a lier ...
A lier.. a li.. a l .. . * echoes fades away *
Sorry guys. I didnt mean it. Really... I just wanted to be a 0B3D Champion.. As everyone..
Sorry Master Bobah.. So, as the papers say, i know how this goes for now, so to easy your job, I left the application for resignation to BBC office.
I left also my keys to the table. Cleaned my desk, toilet and bed. A new recruit can take my place now. I am sure that im not anymore allowed, or welcomed to any of your
people activities, gyms or shops. And i accept this, as a destiny. I also left my boxing shoes and gloves there.
You may be right. I am not sure 100 what i tought . Maybe it was like the feeling about ping all the time. And when it got high much i saw a change to quit a high pinged game and stop the scaredom about the lucky gaming. I think it was like this.i may be done wrong i dont decline it. Not tho that much i remember in the quited fight you been about winning with a 70% something around it was r 3. If i dont remember wrong. Not bad i thought. If it would have been in last round would be more kinda shit
and to give one more point, theres no fight where i quit just for scaring to lose cause of my " gaming skills "
that one was only for the high lagg rising and scaring about losing for luck
But cause you got so mad , and didnt want to even try to understand my perspective, you need to take
the n.1 place just beating me up 3-4 times without me doing nothing. So you can feel the first place and how serious
winner and game it is, as you said i dont deserve it. And if you somehow dont want to take the nr.1 Place after this
you will evidence that my quitting was reasonable.
and to be honest, just dont get the point having a fight where its not about technics or reflects or anything,
when the lagg goes about 300 to me its about luck, cant do nothing for the aiming or anythin.
but youll have your 1st place, if you have now balls to take it after writing that im not mad
or anything, happy if the first place makes someone happy, only good. i made mistake
by quitting, to be technically correct , when i accept fight with you i accept the lagg,
but as i said it got little too high during game.
you can hav the first place if you want to, i dont give anything about it dont be mad guys, this post was joke , quitting was just about the ping what started to get a bit too high, maybe too some scaring to lost , but tell me the time , you will have your first place. And apologies for the quitting.
Then everyones happy.
I use your asses as a broom and wipe the ground with it, thats the only thing i do.
The only and one thing in here...
brace yourselves, the mop master is on his way,
and he is going to find you..
and hes hands are looking for wiping..
hard times are on..
so are the ground..
Hide your asses
You may be the next. ~ This message is meant to every1 who plays ob3d. ~